The SaaS Kit to save over 1.152 development hours.

With Carrot Seed you create the code foundation of your next SaaS product in minutes. And with the Source Code in your hands you’re always in control. Interested in the new version?
Get your Source Code.
Get your App.
Carrot Seed puts the ready made Source Code of your next SaaS product into your hands. You get libraries, the build system, common SaaS features and more. And the best thing: It also keeps everything up-to-date for you.

in 10 minutes.

You get a ready to run git repo with your project’s Source Code foundation to start developing your ideas in minutes.

Always stay

Your digital product will always be state-of-the-art. Carrot Seed gets regular updates that you can add easily.

Build on 13 years
of experience.

13 years of expertise distilled into one foundation. Build on our learnings, successes and best practices.

No vendor lock-in.
Source Code in your hands.
Cancel any time.

Batteries included.

100+ trusted technologies.

Carrot Seed comes with everything you need to develop your app for web, mobile and desktop. Secure, scalable and ready to run in minutes.

Product Website

Django Wagtail CMS System with a demo SaaS website. Prebuilt CMS blocks, basic SCSS theme.

Web, Mobile and Desktop Apps

Angular Responsive SPA, Nativescript iOS & Android App Electron Desktop App with shared code.

Server System

Django Server Infrastructure with Graphene GraphQL API. Postgres and Redis DB.

CI/CD System

Ready to use drone ci pipeline for test, dev, beta and prod environments. Automated testing system including tests.

Build System

All systems are build as docker images. Build locally and in CI and deploy to your private docker registry.

Deployment System

Scalable Kubernetes deployment to run locally, in your data center or in the cloud (AWS, Google, Azure).

Included Features

We’ve got you

We prepared lots of features for you! Accounts, payment, administration are ready to use. But with the source code in your control you can extend, customize or replace them all.

User and account management

Account management. Most SaaS systems need it in some form. With Carrot Seed it’s built in already. Including organisation management.

Payment System

A secure and customer friendly subscription based payment system is no easy feat. So we integrated it including license, tax and invoicing.

Component Catalogue

You want ready to use components for common cases built on material design? Then our built in component catalogue and our Figma Design System are just what you need.

Administration Interface

Our integrated and foolproof administration interface covers content, text translations, user management and other administrative tasks.

Multi-Language Support

Serving multiple languages on any level? Check. Internationalization (i18n)? Check. Localization (l10n)? Also check! On every level.

Everything your dev team could ask for.

Full access to source code

Hot Reloading

Shared code across all these apps

CI/CD ready

Based on open source

Run in the cloud or in your own datacenter

Feature Flags

Multiple Environments built in

Can we help?

Get additional support, coaching or pre-mades with our exclusive optional add-ons.

Premium Support

You get guaranteed support within the next business day via phone call and email. Plus: Your requests have the highest priority for us.

Technical Mentoring

Do you need support in creating your concept or your architecture? Do you need feedback or best practices? Then you’re right here. Our developers will help you in 1:1 mentoring sessions, in reviewing your code and help you solving your problems for four hours every month.

Design Mentoring

Improve your UI/UX design game with the help of our design team. With this add- on our designers help you in exclusive mentoring sessions and give you pointers on your UX and your design in general. Get four hours every month and gain learnings for years to come.

Dev Training

Get training for your development team so they can get the most out of Carrot Seed. We’ll give you insights for Angular, Django or Carrot Seed overall. This way nothing stands between you and your SaaS solution. You get two half days of training for your team with a Carrot & Company developer on one of the three topics.

Custom Theme

You want your app to fit your design but you lack the person power? We’re here to help. With this add-on we’ll adjust the basic Carrot Seed design so it fits your corporate identity like a glove. You get the right typography, color scheme, two basic screen designs and a ready-to-use component library in your style.

Dev-Ops Kick-Off

The best development alone is only half the job without your software system. In this kick-off we help your team with processes and concepts for development, automated testing, and how to keep everything up to date. Additionally you get three consulting hours to help you integrate everything in your existing infrastructure.
Carrot Seed compared to other approaches

We will keep you posted about the new Carrot Seed SaaS Kit and inform you as soon as it is available.

You need a computer with MacOS, Windows or Linux which can run docker and a bash compatible shell. To enhance the developer experience there is some more software we recommend in our quickstart guide.

The main technologies are: Python with Django, PostgreSQL, GraphQL, Angular, and Docker. Of course there are a lot of other libraries and technologies involved (more than 100), but of course you don’t need to know all of them.

We carefully chose the dependent packages based on many different criteria based on our expertise and experience. We wrote a blog article about choosing the right libraries and frameworks: .

The payment system is currently based on stripe, because this gives you a lot of flexibility.

Technically yes. If it makes sense depends on your specific use case. Contact us so we can help you with that.

Yes, of course we do. We want you and your product to succeed. If you have any questions when using Carrot Seed you can reach out to us at any time. Besides support we also offer training and mentoring. And if you want us to, we can even help you with developing your code or do code reviews.

You should have at least one junior software developer who is familiar with web technologies. If you find someone interested in Angular and Django, you are in good company.

Our goal is that you can start as fast as possible. After you went through our Quick Setup Guide (~10 min) you can start implementing the business logic, because the basics are already done for you.

Partly. We built Carrot Seed so that you can run it either in your own data center, in the cloud or your laptop. Everything is based on docker images. Currently we don’t provide a hosting infrastructure for Carrot Seed projects. But we’ve included all the build scripts and deployment scripts so that you can build all the docker images and run them with one command. Therefore you can immediately simulate a production infrastructure on your laptop. To host it in production you need either a docker infrastructure or a kubernetes system. We can help you in building your production infrastructure as well.

That is very unlikely. We use Carrot Seed internally as well. It’s the foundation of all our products. If the case should happen anyway you’re still safe! With Carrot Seed you’re always in charge of the source code. You can change everything the way you want. You’re not gonna be locked in.

Everything which is web-based can be done.

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